Outreach is part of our spiritual DNA here at Northminster. Our pastor once said, “We get to be a church because of our outreach. It is our starting place.” Two committees share in this ministry: one for the neighborhood around us and one for our Macon community and beyond.

Our Neighborhood committee has two main focuses. We have adopted the nearby elementary school, Rosa Taylor and we  partner with Macon Recovers, an addiction recovery program and our next-door neighbor.

Our Outreach committee focuses on Loaves & Fishes Ministry in downtown Macon, Habitat for Humanity, our foreign missionaries, Heifer International, the Thornwell Children’s Home, and UKirk, our Presbyterian college ministry at Mercer University.

To  join Northminster in serving any of these ministries, contact the church office at 478-477-6646 or admin@northminstermacon.org  and you will be connected with the appropriate person!

Neighborhood Outreach

Our Neighborhood committee has two main focuses. We have adopted the nearby elementary school, Rosa Taylor. We provide clothes closet items and school supplies for students, and breakfasts and Christmas gifts for teachers. We provide food to 26 students every week through our Backpack Ministry.

We also partner with Macon Recovers, an addiction recovery program and our next-door neighbor. We provide monthly care packages, books of daily devotions, and we fund special projects.

Loaves and Fishes Ministry of Macon

Loaves and Fishes is a local ministry that serves the hungry and homeless in Middle Georgia.
Northminster provides monthly funding, volunteer service, and three members that serve on its board. Together we funded and built an outdoor, covered space there for meals, ministry, and gatherings.

For more information or to volunteer:  jwright@loavesandfishesministry.org 

Habitat for Humanity

Northminster Presbyterian is a founding supporter of Habitat for Humanity in Middle Georgia, and we continue to make an annual donation in order to make a positive difference in the lives of others.

For several decades, we have helped build many Habitat houses and provided lunch for work crews.  Macon Area Habitat for Humanity


Alternative Christmas Gifts Fair

Making A Difference every first Sunday in December
Giving a meaningful gift during the holidays that supports worthy organizations is the essence of Northminster’s Alternative Christmas Fair. Instead of giving more “stuff” make a donation in the name of that person who has everything and support charitable work around the world or in our own community. You’ll be able to choose from a number of charitable organizations, and cards are provided to send to the person in whose name the donation has been made. It is a wonderful way to spread the love of Jesus.

International Outreach

Northminster is blessed to sponsor two missionaries through The Antioch Partners (TAP).  These missionaries are helping those in need of physical and mental wellness and shining the light of Christ in hopes others will come to know Him.  Although we are unable to share specific information online about those we support due to their location, we are able to share more information about The Antioch Partners (TAP):

TAP is committed to expanding long-term (two years or more), cross-cultural, incarnational ministry opportunities for Presbyterians.  Their conviction is that every follower of Jesus is a missionary (a “sent one”),  but for those called to long-term, cross-cultural engagement, special training and support structures are necessary. This is what TAP provides. TAP works alongside local Presbyterian churches in the US to help people get from where they are now to where God is calling them to be, and then not just to survive, but to thrive, in their ministry callings.  TAP serves local churches in the assessment, training, sending and support of those called to long-term, cross-cultural engagement.