To join Northminster in serving any of these ministries, contact the church office at 478-477-6646 or and you will be connected with the appropriate person!

In worship, music is an offering and a prayer. It is an offering that we give to God that submits to God the full range of our lives from praise to lament. In so doing, music, like prayer, voices our deepest hopes, convictions, joys and fears before our Creator. Music also touches the deepest parts of our lives, providing comfort, eliciting joy, and moving us to faithfulness. Music is an important part of our worship life.
Adult Choir
The Chancel Choir at Northminster is a multi-generational mixed ensemble. The choir is open to those from High School freshmen and older and sings a wide variety of choral literature. The first Sunday of December of each year, the Chancel Choir presents its annual Service of Lessons and Carols along with the Adult Handbell Choir. We meet Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 from mid-August through mid-May. There is no need to call ahead, just show up and sing! We sing an anthem each Sunday of the “Singing Year (August-June, taking July off)”. We hold a semi-annual workshop to introduce the anthems for the corresponding semester in August and January.
Brass Ensemble
Our Brass Ensemble is made up of volunteers who generously give their time and talents to enhance our worship services on a quarterly basis. This group is open to anyone from high school level and up who want to use their gift in worship. Since we play on a quarterly basis, we practice one time before each performance. Dates are scheduled as far in advance as possible to be conducive with each member’s schedule. If you’re interested in playing with this group, please email or call for more information.
Youth Music Connection
Our youth music is open to kids of all ages from 1st grade up through high school. Typically, this group sings once per semester, and for our annual Lessons and Carols service. Watch for announcements in the bulletin and Newsletter for the rehearsal and performance schedule.
In the simplest terms, worship is gathering together as a community of faith to glorify and enjoy God. Each week we gather to worship through prayers that express our joys and concerns to God, confessions along with assurances of God’s forgiveness, sermons that reflect on the interaction of scripture and our daily lives, and music that breathes life into us. We gather in worship as a community to lay our lives out before God, to be transformed and prepared to go out into the world to serve God wherever we find ourselves.

Northminster has a very active prayer chain. Members of the church are part of an email group that receives prayer requests. This group is very dedicated to praying for members of our church and their families and friends. Updates to prayer requests are sent regularly to the group so the group is constantly in prayer for people in need. This is not a closed group and any member or regular visitor is welcome to join. It is understood that all the prayer requests are strictly confidential and should not be discussed with anyone. If you are interested in joining this group, just call the church 478.477.6646.

Christian Education
The Christian Education and Formation Ministry helps all people learn, live, love and serve in the way of Jesus. At Northminster, we all are on a journey of faith. We want to live with and for God, and the Christian Education and Formation ministry offers opportunities to deepen, wrestle with, and engage our faith. Christian Education has long been a cornerstone of the church. However, it’s not about becoming “smarter” Christians, or even about Sunday school, but growing into disciples who live our faith on a daily basis.
Following Jesus is a journey of a lifetime, and so we have programs and events for all ages, on different days of the week, and at many different times. There are many ways to get involved in Christian Education and Formation, but no one can do it alone. Join the Northminster community as we learn, live, love and serve in the way of Jesus.
The Children’s Ministry focuses on creating a place of belonging, where children are called by name, where discipleship and a love of God and neighbor are nurtured. In small classroom settings with experienced teaching staff, the children receive the individual attention that every child of God deserves. Our curriculum, Growing in Grace & Gratitude will help transform the lives of children and those who love them, into lives shaped by grace and gratitude. Each session shares a Bible story that reveals God’s grace for us. Through fun, age-appropriate activities, prayer, and singing, children and their leaders will celebrate the meaning of this grace in their lives as they encounter a living God.

We are blessed with a vibrant youth group of young people, 6th-12th grade, who enjoy growing in faith, having fellowship with one another, and being an important part of the church. Weekly events, trips, and service projects combine with Bible study and lessons on social and personal issues as well as time for fellowship, games, and more to create a fun and spiritually engaging time for all.
The Northminster youth love to travel. Each year we attend the Montreat Senior High Youth Conference, Dogwood Acres Summer Camp, the Fall Youth Overnight, and Celebration of Faith and go on a mission trip to Thornwell Home for Children
Wednesday Women’s Bible Study
The women’s bible study group began over 10 years ago. It is for women of all ages and all walks of life. We do two studies a year on Wednesday mornings for 6-10 weeks each in the spring and fall. We have done studies from Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer, Lisa Harper, Lysa Terkeurst, Angela Thomas-Pharr, and most recently a study of Romans led by our own Ralph Hawkins who is a very gifted teacher. There is great camaraderie and love within the group. We not only study together but pray and support each other through all of life’s ups and downs. For information about our next study follow us on facebook. watch the weekly bulletins or contact the church office, 478.477.6646

Men’s Ministry
Men’s Ministry meets once a month for lunch in addition to sponsoring service projects and special events.The Men’s Ministry Lunch is a monthly opportunity for men to fellowship and support local missions. It is always on the 3rd Thursday of the month at noon. Location is announced in the bulletin.
The invitation: Bring $20 cash for lunch. We’ll pay for our meal as a group and then what is left over after the bill we’ll pool together month to month as a mission offering.
office, 478.477.6646
New members are always welcome!