In worship, music is an offering and a prayer. It is an offering that we give to God that submits to God the full range of our lives from praise to lament. In so doing, music, like prayer, voices our deepest hopes, convictions, joys and fears before our Creator. Music also touches the deepest parts of our lives, providing comfort, eliciting joy, and moving us to faithfulness. Music is an important part of our worship life.
Adult Choir
The Chancel Choir at Northminster is a multi-generational mixed ensemble. The choir is open to those from High School freshmen and older and sings a wide variety of choral literature. The first Sunday of December of each year, the Chancel Choir presents its annual Service of Lessons and Carols along with the Adult Handbell Choir. We meet Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 from mid-August through mid-May. There is no need to call ahead, just show up and sing! We sing an anthem each Sunday of the “Singing Year (August-June, taking July off)”. We hold a semi-annual workshop to introduce the anthems for the corresponding semester in August and January.
Brass Ensemble
Our Brass Ensemble is made up of volunteers who generously give their time and talents to enhance our worship services on a quarterly basis. This group is open to anyone from high school level and up who want to use their gift in worship. Since we play on a quarterly basis, we practice one time before each performance. Dates are scheduled as far in advance as possible to be conducive with each member’s schedule. If you’re interested in playing with this group, please email or call for more information.
Youth Music Connection
Our youth music is open to kids of all ages from 1st grade up through high school. Typically, this group sings once per semester, and for our annual Lessons and Carols service. Watch for announcements in the bulletin and Newsletter for the rehearsal and performance schedule.
In the simplest terms, worship is gathering together as a community of faith to glorify and enjoy God. Each week we gather to worship through prayers that express our joys and concerns to God, confessions along with assurances of God’s forgiveness, sermons that reflect on the interaction of scripture and our daily lives, and music that breathes life into us. We gather in worship as a community to lay our lives out before God, to be transformed and prepared to go out into the world to serve God wherever we find ourselves.